Increase more than 17% 0 points
Increase between 17% and 11% 1 point
Increase between 11% and 7% 2 points
Increase between 7% and 4% 3 points
Increase between 4% and 1% 4 points
Between 1% increase and 2% decrease 5 points
Decrease between 2% and 6% 6 points
Decrease greater than 6% 7 points
Increase more than 5%0 points
\r\nIncrease between 0% and 5%1 point
\r\nDecrease 0% to 5% and 0% decrease2 points
\r\nDecrease greater than 5%3 points
Increase greater than 500 kWh/yr0 points
Increase between 500 and 250 kWh/yr1 point
Increase between 250 and 100 kWh/yr2 points
Increase between 100 and 0 kWh/yr`3 points
Decrease between 0 and 150 kWh/yr4 points
Decrease between 150 and 300 kWh/yr5 points
Decrease between 300 and 450 kWh/yr6 points
Decrease greater than 450 kWh/yr7 points
Increase greater than $100/yr0 points
Increase between $100 and $0/yr1 point
Decrease between $0 and $100/yr2 points
\r\nDecrease greater than $100/yr3 points
Green (meaning 100% Renewables) offered 4 pt.
\r\nIf also less than or approximately equal to standard rate+7 pt.
\r\nOr if greater than the standard rate but less than or equal to a 1 cent premium+4 pt.
Do they offer a solar, wind, or storage incentive (including financing incentives)? (4 pts)
\r\nYes (solar/wind) 2 points
\r\nPlus storage+ 2 point
\r\nNo 0 points
Incentive details (4 pts)
\r\nIncentive or on-bill financing for home (and/or commercial ) installation2 points
\r\nStrong annual funding for rebates+ 2 points
Net-metering Policy (8 pts)
\r\nNet-metering disallowed, other disincentives, and/or solar rate that is less than net-metering 0 points
\r\nInstantaneous Net metering and overage not purchased, or weak solar-price, or other monthly fees4 points
\r\nNet-metering over monthly billing cycle but overage not purchased6 points
\r\nNet-metering over monthly billing cycle with overaged purchased (and no per meter/monthly fee) or strong solar-price8 points
Community solar program offered+ 2 points
\r\nSize of program installation+ up to 2 points (depends on utility size)
Online Portal (3 points)
\r\nOnline portal offered1 pt.
\r\nSignificant participation1 pt.
\r\nInnovative design1 pt.
Demand Response Incentives (2 points)
\r\nSmart thermostat program1 pt.
\r\nSmart thermostat program with significant participation or additional program(s)1 pt.
Energy Audits (3 points)
\r\nOffered1 pt.
\r\nBoth residential and commercial1 pt.
\r\nSignificant Participation1 pt.
Energy Efficiency/Weatherization rebates (6 points)
\r\nAny Energy Efficiency programs, including light bulb giveaways1 pt.
\r\nAny weatherization programs offered with numbers for participation2 pts.
\r\nReasonable participation in weatherization, EE programs3 pts.
\r\nMultiple weatherization, EE programs offered with numbers and significant participation4 pts.
\r\nMany weatherization, EE programs offered with significant participation5 pts.
\r\nLow-income focus+ 1 pt.
Education Programs (3 points)
\r\nOnline/print education1 pt.
\r\nIn person education (tours, events)1 pt.
\r\nSignificant participation or exemplary programs1 pt.
Other programs (3 points)
\r\nSubjective scoring up to 3 points for additional, innovative programs.
\r\nWhile subjective, the following criteria may be used.
\r\nBPI >=3 = 1; BPI >=5 = 2; BPI >=9 = 3
No reported savings or spending on EE programs 0 pts
\r\nIf reported some kWh savings =1 pt
\r\nIf savings kWh consumption reduced by >0.50% (or Spending on EE > 0.50%) 2 pts.
\r\nIf savings kWh consumption reduced by > 1% (or Spending on EE > 1%) 3 pts.
\r\nIf savings kWh consumption reduced by > 1.5% (or Spending on EE > 1.5%) 4 pts.
\r\nIf kWh consumption reduced by >2% (or Spending on EE > 2%) = 5 pts
Note: this is limited to a 5 point score because for the variability of reporting and possible variability of the ways to count the savings.
I.e., Renewable Energy Goals?
\r\nNo goal0 points
\r\nLess than 35% 2 points
\r\nBetween 35 and 70%3 points
\r\nBetween 70 and 100%4 points
\r\n100% achieved5 points