Serves 23,297 customers, $41,698.00 of sales and provides 347 GWhs of electricity per year. 22,673 are residentialthat on average consume 1,202 kWh of electricity per month per household.
Griddy Energy provides wholesale electricity rates in real-time to Texans with an monthly membership fee. Smart phone app privides indictes the price customers are charged every 15minutes. Do not require contracts and do not charge cancelation fees. No renewable energy offerings are provided, but for certain customers who are able to control their energy use at times of high prices, Griddy offers an exciting new entry to the Texas energy market.
Take Action: Tell your energy provider to do more to invest in clean energy programs.

How we scored

Efficiency of Residential Customers, based on average per month energy consumption (kWh)? (0 to 3 Points)
Below 850 kWh 3 points
850 - 1,150 kWh 2 points
1,150 - 1,500 kWh 1 points
Greater than 1,500 kWh 0 points

Total Electricity Use Change (0 to 10 Points)
Average Use went Up More than 10% 0 Points
Average Use Went Up Between 0 and 10% 2 Point
Average Use Went Down Between 0 and 5% 4 Points
Average Use Went Down Between 5 and 10% 6 Points
Average Use Went Down Between 10 and 20% 8 Points
Average Use Went Down More than 20% 10 Points

Offered Dynamic (Time-of-Use) Pricing or a Demand Response product; reported to U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)? (0 to 5 Points)
Did not offer either a DR or Dynamic Pricing Product in 2016 0 Points
Offered either a DR or Dynamic Pricing Product 2 Ponts
Offered both a Dynamic Pricing and DR Product 5 Points

Offered Time-of-Use Pricing, Residential Demand Response Programs, and Provide Information on How to Save Energy, on its Main Customer Website? (0 to 10 Points)
No Programs 0 Points
Demand Response Programs 3 Points
Dynamic Pricing/Time-of-Use 3 Points
Energy Savings Information Found on Website 3 Points
Note: If a company offered all three types of programs/information, they were given the full 10 points.

Renewable Options and Fixed Price for a 12-month term Compared to its "normal" price with same term offered? (0 to 10 Points)
Offered 100% Renewable Option 4 Points
Offered 100% Renewable Option No More than 1 Cent per Kilowatt Hour More Expensive than Normal Option 8 Points
Offered 100% Renewable Option at a Price Equal to or Cheaper than "Normal" Option 12 Points

Renewable Energy Under Contract or Purchased Through Renewable Energy Credits in prior year (0 to 15 Points)