Texas Clean Energy Scorecard
How Does your Utility Grade
Chariot Energy, Tristar Energy (Power Global Retail Texas, LLC) (REP)
Serves 37,669 customers, $67,014.00 of sales and provides 551 GWhs of electricity per year. 37,324 are residentialthat on average consume 1,200 kWh of electricity per month per household.
Power Global Retail Texas, LLC, dba: Chariot Energy, builds solar panels and operates solar farms and provides that electricity to Texas as REPs. They use the solar produced by their corporate owners - 174 Power Global Corporation, a U.S.-based utility-scale solar project development company - to bring the solar power to market. They do offer a good buyback program for those wanting to put solar on their homes.
Take Action: Tell your energy provider to do more to invest in clean energy programs.
Distribution Companies

If you are in a competitive area, you choose a Retail Electric Provider such as those above, but one of these Transmission and Distribution Utilities will actually provide the electricity over wires they own in the area.
Don't see your distribution company? Let us know